The Scottish Society of Knoxville
Cead Mile Failte
"A Hundred Thousand Welcomes!"
​Our Mission:
To foster interest in the culture, heritage, and contributions of the Scots and Scots-Irish, and to provide venues for recognizing and celebrating their rich legacy.
SSK Typical Schedule of Events
SSK gathers together thru the year to celebrate Scottish History and interests. The following is a list of these types of events. Due to CoVid 19, our plans for 2020 were reduced.
At this time, we are looking for additional officers to assist with plans for 2021. We are looking for a site for our Burns’ Dinner that will allow a good size group to attend.
This will be updated as plans are finalized.
Month Activity Description
January Burns' Dinner Formal Dinner celebrating the Scottish National Bard, Robert Burns
March Laddies' Supper The men plan and bring a pot luck meal for the women of the club to honor the Lassies
May Smoky Mountain Highland Games The organization hosts a table at the local games lo and offers information about family history and clans
June Cottage Meeting An educational presentation and lunch
Aug Picnic An outdoor event with games and food to share
October Annual General Meeting &
Election of New Officers
December Christmas Ceilidh A party with musicians, games and pot luck